BOOKS, ESSAYS, CREATIVE NON-FICTION > A Scots Dictionary of Nature

Published by Saraband Books, 2018.
'A Scots Dictionary of Nature mines old 19th Century Dictionaries of the Scots language to bring together - for the first time - the deeply expressive language that has been used to describe land, wood, weather, birds, water and walking in Scotland.
Artist Amanda Thomson collates and celebrates these traditional Scots words, which reveal ways of seeing and being in the world that are in danger of disappearing forever'

10/09/18 The Herald, “A reminder of how easily the beauty of language and its connection with nature can be lost”
12/09/18 The Scotsman, “It deserves as wide a readership as possible given the significance of its cultural contribution” ((Martyn McLaughlin)
15/10/18 The Scotsman, “Thomson’s book is full of words and expressions which, although not in common usage now, seem ripe for reappropriation”